HTTP Method | POST |
API Url | |
Response format | JSON |
Parameters | Description |
key | 4d27**********************75de This is only a preview of your API Key. To see full API Key please generate it from Accounts Page |
action | services |
"service": 101,
"name": "Real & Active Followers - Best Server",
"rate": "250.00",
"min": "50",
"max": "10000",
"category": "Instagram Followers",
"type": "default",
"service": 102,
"name": "Real & Active Followers - Cheap Server",
"rate": "255.00",
"min": "50",
"max": "10000",
"category": "Instagram Followers",
"type": "default",
Parameters | Description |
key | 4d27**********************75de This is only a preview of your API Key. To see full API Key please generate it from Accounts Page |
action | add |
service | Package ID |
link | Link to page |
quantity | Needed quantity |
comments | optional, needed for custom comments, mentions and other relaed packages only. <br>each separated by ' ', ' ' |
runs | optional, Runs to deliver |
interval | optional, Interval in minutes |
"order": 23501
Parameters | Description |
key | 4d27**********************75de This is only a preview of your API Key. To see full API Key please generate it from Accounts Page |
action | status |
order | Order ID |
"charge": "0.01",
"start_count": "3572",
"status": "Partial",
"remains": "157",
"currency": "USD"
Parameters | Description |
key | 4d27**********************75de This is only a preview of your API Key. To see full API Key please generate it from Accounts Page |
action | refill |
order | Order ID |
"success": "Your order will be refill asap. Thank you for patience",
"refill": 12345
"error": "Order not eligible for refill."
Parameters | Description |
key | 4d27**********************75de This is only a preview of your API Key. To see full API Key please generate it from Accounts Page |
action | refill_status |
refill | Refill ID |
"status": "Completed",
Parameters | Description |
key | 4d27**********************75de This is only a preview of your API Key. To see full API Key please generate it from Accounts Page |
action | balance |
"balance": "100.84292",
"currency": "USD"